Tuesday, August 4, 2009


What is faithfulness? When do we say that someone is faithful?
Another question... Isn't faithfulness truth? If I am a man of truth, I am faithful, right? These two are so different,yet they need to be in existence as one.
Let's say there's this married man, who decides to cheat on his wife, then he feels terrible about it afterward. So he decides to tell his wife everything. Well, he told the truth... Doesn't that save him from being called a 'cheat'?
Not at all.
There's a reason why adultery is referred to as 'cheating'. It is simply altering the truth, so that others may think otherwise. Saying something different from the truth, or not saying anything at all, are ways of fulfilling the definition of cheating.
Let's go back to our story...
The fellow cheated on his wife, but he decided to tell her about it. So did he really cheat? Well, he could have remained silent about it, then he'd really be living a lie. But after being honest about it, He's still referred to as a 'cheat'? Why?
Because he forgot all about 'the beginning'. When the relationship was birthed, there was a commitment, or should I say, a series of commitments. And the climax of these commitments was when the man stood at the alter with this lady and committed himself to her, to stay faithful to her. The VOWS. Him breaking those vows is what makes him a cheat. He lied to her from the beginning, when he was uttering those words at the altar.
OK, what's the point of this note? We say we serve a faithful God, right? Well what makes Him faithful is His truthfulness. (Hath He not said it? Will He not make it good?). He speaks, and it comes to pass. He says, 'Let there be...' and there is.What He says comes to existence. What about us? When we commit our lives to Christ, in tears, and say, 'I turn away from all my sins,' what will we say about that, one year down the line? What about in 6 month's time? A week? The day after? At that moment in time, you might be so genuine, but your future decisions may make you a liar... AT THAT MOMENT...

This is a revelation I had...
Truth in itself is a worship to God. When you refuse to tell those little white lies that seem so harmless to many, you're actually worshiping God. (John 4:24): God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Now you see why truthfulness is important? It is important to look at things from different perspectives, to determine a reason, a purpose, which will in the end define a principle. So the next time you wanna tell a 'white lie', rather than having a compromising excuse to do it, you'll have a defined reason not to. The same thing applies to every other sin.
No matter how 'black' or 'white' the lie is, the difference is the same. :) May it be a Corolla or Land Cruiser, they're all Toyota, right? Don't be a wishy washy person. Don't say, "Well, I'm not harming anyone, am I?" Instead of having unsure questions that define you, get the facts. An iceberg is FAR MUCH BIGGER than what you see above the water level. Knowledge is vital.

STAY TRUE to yourself, STAY TRUE to God...

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